Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Everything changes. And in that way, everything really stays the same.

So why do I still resist change?

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I was listening to Mark Driscoll last night. Incredible, God-believing pastor. Heck yeah for Podcast's. He's really reclaiming what it looks like to be a Bible-based Christian, in a man's way. He just brings this testosterone packed punch of what it looks like to be a real, authentic follower of Christ.

One part of the sermon I was in was just taking time for you and God. Get away. Unplug. No music, cell phone, laptop.. I admit I'm violating all of those right now without even thinking about it. But it's kind of hard to blog without a computer, isn't it..

I find that no people will ever satisfy the deepest desires of my heart. I'm all for fellowship with others, don't get me wrong. But we need a healthy dose of: 1) Time with God, 2) Time with Christians, 3) Time with non-Christians.

Time with God should really just be about you and God. No distractions. Get out of your bedroom, get into the real world, praise Him in real ways. Experience Him. Go for a hike, turn off the cell phone for a day..

We have to have time with Christians. How else are we going to get corrected? Taught? Grown? Out of our comfort zone? We need Christians! Can't emphasize that enough.

But we also need to get real with ourselves. This is not a Christian world. And how is our faith going to become authentic when all we do is stay with each other? When we only hang out with Christians, we're only hanging out with people who affirm our own beliefs. The great thing about College is that there are so many people who can challenge us. We shouldn't be swayed by unBiblical persuasion, but we should be tested by fire. Take some risks. I'm guilty of not taking enough risks.

So anyway, there's a challenge. Turn off the phones, computers, Ipods.. take a day away. Talk to God, about everything. Tell Him what's up, what's good, what's bad, what you want, what you need, what you feel, where you want to grow.. and let His will be done, and not our own.