Thursday, January 1, 2009

An Ode to '08

Over the course of three hours, I put this little thing together. I can seriously just sit at the computer and set my mind on a tedious task like that, and kind of enjoy it. If anyone was wondering, the songs are:
You Are The Best Thing- Ray Lamontagne
You Remind Me Of Home- Ben Gibbard
You & Me- Lifehouse
Brightest- Copeland.

While putting all of those pictures together, I had the most fun reminiscing over the year. Last year, I celebrated New Years up in Lancaster with a few friends. Up until the beginning of 2008, some big changes had been happening in my life. Me and Kara had just broken up, my first year of college at Cal had started.. etc. Under these new environments, I was really forced to find myself, as well as find God.

The crowd cheered as the countdown began, the fireworks began shooting into the air, and it all seemed like it was in slow motion. Every now and then, we have these moments that seem to say to us "This is an important defining moment." And that's what I was feeling as 2007 came to an end. I prayed, and felt a lot of comfort. I knew there would be difficulties, but that a lot of blessings would come from them. I also have some great memories.

In a trip to New York City with Sara and Rachael, I experienced the absolute immensity of the city life. I love being in cities. The atmosphere, the sounds, the smells. When I am in cities, I realize how small I am in the world. I get completely lost in the vastness of the crowds and buildings.

I also got my first, and most likely not last, tattoo. It didn't hurt too bad, and I love that it will always be there. It's a great reminder of what I stand for, and the type of person I want to be; to live a Christ-centered life.

When I got back to school, I don't know what it was, but I fell in love with Amanda. There were a lot of things that happened before we ended up together, but all of those things aside, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She is a beautiful, amazing girl, and she encourages and inspires me to reach my potential. There will never be a day that goes by that I don't thank God for her.

I shot a lot of guns in 2008. Women bond a lot over talking, to make a generalization, and men are more likely to do stuff together, or do things together. I've had a lot of fun with some great guys just shooting guns and having time with them. Josh, Mike, Kellen, Adam, Justin.. it was really great, and I can't wait for more opportunities.

The Gateway Clipper. Besides the bad DJ, it was fantastic. Easily one of my favorite memories of Freshman year. We all got dressed up, took a ton of pictures.. it was a warm night, with a little bit of a breeze, and such a clear sky. It couldn't have been any more romantic. Amanda looked stunning in her black dress, and it was one of the first times I felt completely comfortable dancing.

I had some great times just taking pictures with people. Like with me and Amanda at Twin Lakes, or during our walks we would go on, or just random photo shoots with Desiree, Mike, Amanda, Kalla.. I took so many pictures that first year at school, and I wish I had taken so many more. Heck, I wish I could buy some kind of DVD of those memories.

Leaving California felt so strange. I packed my car completely to the brim, it was bursting, lol. It had all gone by so quickly. I feel bad for some of the things I did or said to people, and I hope they don't hold those things against me. I know some people don't think much about some of those memories. Some wish maybe that they would never have happened. But I've always been the kind of person that just loves remembering those feelings. We had formed a family, and leaving that dorm room was really hard.

I won't forget the freedom I experienced in my Mustang. She was good and faithful to me for three years. I've done so many awful things with that car. I shouldn't even be alive, so that's a praise in itself.. I've learned a lot about responsible driving since then.

Adam and Bethany's wedding was beautiful, and it made me think a lot about my own future. I've always been a romantic, I'm definitely going to get married one day, and I really look forward to that day. Their wedding was in Ohio, and there was a lot of back-and-forth driving. I had forgotten my Ipod, and only had a copy of Coldplay's Viva La Vida to listen to.. for at least 8 hours.

One major change over the summer was my switch from my Mustang to my Kawasaki Ninja 500. I didn't have any idea how to ride a bike before getting it, so that was really risky. Luckily, I caught on quick, and absolutely fell in love. Now it's not nearly the same kind of love that me and Amanda have, but I do love that bike. It's just a fact. Again, it makes me feel so small. It enables me to see God's world.. to feel the wind against my arms, to feel the warmth of the sun directly against me. If you don't believe in God, ride a motorcycle. You'll believe.

I saw Amanda for about a week each month, and it was amazing to wake up each morning in a room next to her. One day I just decided to surprise her, so I rode my bike to her house and popped in her bedroom. She opened her eyes and thought she was dreaming for a little bit until she woke up.

A good bit of the slide show is from a trip that I went with Amanda and her family on. We went to Michigan, and to Minnesota. I remember feeling so blessed, that I was able to go along and experience it. The scenery was amazing, no camera could do it justice. During one part of the trip, me and Amanda walked across large rocks to get to a lighthouse. There were times during that hike that I would help Amanda, and I felt so close to her. To know that I could help her was a powerful thing to me. To know that I play a part in her life, it was something i hadn't really thought about in too much detail. I felt like a leader, like I could guide and encourage her.

I came back to Cal early and got involved in our Churches leadership team. It was great to be involved in something, and to see how God works. I now appreciate all that work that goes into making church and church events happen. Our pastor, Bryan Downs, really is an inspiration. He puts so much into what he does, and I've had a lot more time to get to know him.

Living in the house has taught me a lot about my future; both my weaknesses, and my strengths. Being around people constantly has showed me where I have flaws, but also where I can help others with their shortcomings. It has been great living with John and Kellen for the first semester,and second semester will not be an exception.

I have learned so much, but most importantly, I have realized how much more i have to learn. This was extremely lengthy. I don't think many will read through it all, if any at all, but that's not why I wrote it. As I wrote it, I came to relive a lot of 2008 and I realized how much I have to be grateful for.

This year has been harder. I've had to balance a lot of things, and figure out priorities. I realized how much God has in store for 2009. It was good for me to write this all out, and among all of the storms and difficulties this year has brought, I serve a larger than life God who has great things in store.

This verse was our class verse when I graduated from my Middle School, and I've heard it probably hundreds of times since. It has truly led me through dark times, and it will continue to do so. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11.

Bring on 2009!

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